
Word document to pdf form
Word document to pdf form

The only exception to Rule 2 is when it violates Rule 1. If needed, Google Docs is a (completely free) way to turn any text file into either a Word document or a PDF.

Word document to pdf form pdf#

So if you made your resume in InDesign, Photoshop, Pages, or any other program with its own file format, you should always convert it to either a PDF or Word doc before submitting. For example, if you submit a JPEG or another image file, the system might not recognize any words in the file at all. Once you depart from these two common file types, there’s no guarantee that the person on the other end has the software necessary to open your resume, and if they can’t open it, they’re just going to move on to the next candidate.Īlso important: Companies use applicant tracking systems (ATSs) to scan your resume for keywords and other important information to decide if you’re qualified for the job, and the software doesn’t scan other file types nearly as well. While there’s no definitive answer when it comes to the PDF vs Word doc debate, there is a consensus about all other file formats: Stay away. If you send a PDF in this case, the recruiter might not be able to edit it the way they need to. “They typically require you to send a Word document because they want to redact your personal contact information when submitting your resume to their client,” she says. Liou points out that if you’re working with a third-party recruiter, you should follow their directions as well. You’re also giving the impression that you wouldn’t pay attention to details or follow directions as an employee. By ignoring what the company is asking for, you risk them not being able to (or choosing not to) read your resume.

word document to pdf form

They are the authority on what they’re looking for, so if they ask for a PDF, give them a PDF, and if they ask for a Word doc (a.k.a., DOCX), upload a Word doc. If a company asks for a certain file type for your resume, listen to them.

word document to pdf form word document to pdf form

“You always want to follow instructions,” says Muse career coach Emily Liou, founder of CultiVitae and former in-house recruiter for Fortune 500 companies and headhunter for staffing agencies.

Word document to pdf form